The "A-B-Cs" of your wedding liturgy:
A. Your wedding liturgy is prayer.
B. Make appointments with the priest and wedding music coordinator.
C. Hire musicians well in advance (see pay scale below).
A. Your wedding is a prayer.
As you sit down to select music for your wedding liturgy, the word we want to plant in your mind is prayer. You have chosen to begin your marriage in the context of worship. Not every one does. Your believing family and friends will tell you they see God in you, that they thank God you found each other. The music you select for the wedding service should reflect that. What we want to achieve can be put in one sentence: the model for a wedding liturgy is Newman's regular Sunday worship.
WHERE TO START? Before you make any music choices, however, your first priority is to make an appointment to meet with a priest or deacon. They can be reached by phone (608-860-6001) and will help you with all the steps in the marriage preparation process. Once you've established contact with either of them, you will need to contact
Mary Blaha-DeBoer, Director of Music & Liturgy, to select appropriate music for your wedding.
B. Plan your wedding ceremony with both the priest (scripture) and the music coordinator (music).
The document below (Wedding Music Worksheet) will be used during your consultation and will be a handy guide in determining music choices for your wedding. The suggestions on the list are by no means exclusive and you're encouraged to bring any of your own ideas to the planning session. It IS your wedding!!!
C. Hire musicians months in advance & be sure to have checks on the piano BEFORE the wedding begins.
You're lucky if you have friends or family members who are willing to "gift" their musical talent to you; it will ease your budget considerably, so be sure to thank them with a nice card and even a box of chocolates!
FEES for MUSICIANS (for Word Services & Masses):
Wedding Music Coordinator/Pianist - $250.00 for Word Service; $300.00 for Mass
Wedding Music Coordinator - $50.00/consult only
Pianist - $150.00 for Word Service; $200.00 for Mass
Pianist/Singer - $200.00 for Word Service; $250.00 for Mass
*Note: The fee for pianist/singer adds only $50.00 because one person = one "opportunity cost" factor (time invested)
Cantor - $100.00
*Note: This fee is less than the pianist because the pianist is also responsible for pre-service, processional,
recessional, and postlude - almost twice as much music)
Additional Instrumentalists (flute, strings, guitar, etc.) - $75.00 - $100.00
Live-streaming - $200.00
A. Your wedding liturgy is prayer.
B. Make appointments with the priest and wedding music coordinator.
C. Hire musicians well in advance (see pay scale below).
A. Your wedding is a prayer.
As you sit down to select music for your wedding liturgy, the word we want to plant in your mind is prayer. You have chosen to begin your marriage in the context of worship. Not every one does. Your believing family and friends will tell you they see God in you, that they thank God you found each other. The music you select for the wedding service should reflect that. What we want to achieve can be put in one sentence: the model for a wedding liturgy is Newman's regular Sunday worship.
WHERE TO START? Before you make any music choices, however, your first priority is to make an appointment to meet with a priest or deacon. They can be reached by phone (608-860-6001) and will help you with all the steps in the marriage preparation process. Once you've established contact with either of them, you will need to contact
Mary Blaha-DeBoer, Director of Music & Liturgy, to select appropriate music for your wedding.
B. Plan your wedding ceremony with both the priest (scripture) and the music coordinator (music).
The document below (Wedding Music Worksheet) will be used during your consultation and will be a handy guide in determining music choices for your wedding. The suggestions on the list are by no means exclusive and you're encouraged to bring any of your own ideas to the planning session. It IS your wedding!!!
C. Hire musicians months in advance & be sure to have checks on the piano BEFORE the wedding begins.
You're lucky if you have friends or family members who are willing to "gift" their musical talent to you; it will ease your budget considerably, so be sure to thank them with a nice card and even a box of chocolates!
FEES for MUSICIANS (for Word Services & Masses):
Wedding Music Coordinator/Pianist - $250.00 for Word Service; $300.00 for Mass
Wedding Music Coordinator - $50.00/consult only
Pianist - $150.00 for Word Service; $200.00 for Mass
Pianist/Singer - $200.00 for Word Service; $250.00 for Mass
*Note: The fee for pianist/singer adds only $50.00 because one person = one "opportunity cost" factor (time invested)
Cantor - $100.00
*Note: This fee is less than the pianist because the pianist is also responsible for pre-service, processional,
recessional, and postlude - almost twice as much music)
Additional Instrumentalists (flute, strings, guitar, etc.) - $75.00 - $100.00
Live-streaming - $200.00
wedding_music_worksheet__updated_6.19.2018_.doc | |
File Size: | 56 kb |
File Type: | doc |
LISTEN to wedding music selections (below) before your appointment! If you have other repertoire selections that you would like at your wedding, please bring the titles with you to your meeting with your wedding music coordinator!!
Processional: Please choose only one selection for the processional. Our aisle at Newman is rather short, so it has been our practice to change the tempo and texture of your chosen piece when the bride enters. Any or all of the other selections below can be played for prelude, however!
Canon in D (Pachelbel)
Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring (Bach)
Prelude in C Major (Bach)
Adagio cantabile (Beethoven)
Cloud Maker (Cotter)
Wild Roses (Cotter)
Gloria | Gathering Hymn (optional):
The GLORIA was included in the marriage rite in 2016, which adds quite a bit of music to the beginning of the liturgy. We recommend the Gloria settings from Mass of Renewal or Mass of Creation, because they're commonly sung in parishes. The Gloria will only be used for a Wedding Mass, not a Word Service.
God, in the Planning (SLANE)
LITURGY of the WORD | Reading suggestions from Catholic Wedding Help (but determined with your priest)
First Reading:
Responsorial Psalm:
Psalm 33—Every Morning in Your Eyes (Daigle)
Psalm 34—Taste and See (Haugen)
Psalm 90—In Every Age (Whitaker)
Psalm 103—The Lord Is Kind and Merciful (Haugen)
Psalm 103—The Lord Is Kind and Merciful (Cotter)
Psalm 104 - Spirit Wind (Soper)
Psalm 128—Blest Are Those Who Love You (Haugen)
Psalm 145—Our God Is Compassion (Cotter)
Second Reading:
Gospel Acclamation:
Celtic Alleluia by Christopher Walker (Recommended)
Gospel Reading (which will be chosen with your priest):
MARRIAGE RITE: A short instrumental selection is often nice to accompany the movement of the wedding party taking their places in the sanctuary.
Preparation of the Gifts:
Come and Journey with Me (Cotter, WHEN LOVE IS FOUND)
Wherever You Go (Cotter, WHEN LOVE IS FOUND)
If You Love Me (Light and Tate)
The Servant Song (Gillard)
We Will Serve the Lord (Cotter)
Ave Maria (Franz Schubert)
Instrumental? (This is a good place for an instrumental or vocal solo. There are several options that we can discuss at your meeting or via email.)
Eucharistic Acclamations: Mass of Creation (Recommended)
Music for the Communion Procession:
No Greater Love (Joncas)
Taste and See (Moore)
"Emmaus" - In the Breaking of the Bread (Alonso)
We Come to Your Feast (Joncas)
O, Bread of Life (Glover)
The Supper of the Lord (Rosania)
Ubi Caritas (Hurd)
Pange Lingua (Manalo)
Panis Angelicus (Franck)
Mighty River (Jeanne Cotter)
Hornpipe from Water Music (Handel)
The Prince of Denmark’s March (Clarke)
Trumpet Tune (Clarke)
Giga from Handel’s Sonata in F Major (piano and violin/flute)
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (played at a faster speed)
You might also choose a hymn/closing song for your recessional:
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (HYFRYDOL)
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You (HYMN to JOY)
Lead Me, Lord (Becker)
The Summons (Bell)
Processional: Please choose only one selection for the processional. Our aisle at Newman is rather short, so it has been our practice to change the tempo and texture of your chosen piece when the bride enters. Any or all of the other selections below can be played for prelude, however!
Canon in D (Pachelbel)
Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring (Bach)
Prelude in C Major (Bach)
Adagio cantabile (Beethoven)
Cloud Maker (Cotter)
Wild Roses (Cotter)
Gloria | Gathering Hymn (optional):
The GLORIA was included in the marriage rite in 2016, which adds quite a bit of music to the beginning of the liturgy. We recommend the Gloria settings from Mass of Renewal or Mass of Creation, because they're commonly sung in parishes. The Gloria will only be used for a Wedding Mass, not a Word Service.
God, in the Planning (SLANE)
LITURGY of the WORD | Reading suggestions from Catholic Wedding Help (but determined with your priest)
First Reading:
- Male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:26-28, 31)
- The two of them become one body. (Genesis 2:18-24)
- In his love for Rebekah, Isaac found solace after the death of his mother. (Genesis 24:48-51, 58-67)
- May the Lord of heaven prosper you both; May he grant you mercy and peace. (Tobit 7:6-14)
- Allow us to live together to a happy old age. (Tobit 8:4b-8)
- Allow us to live together to a happy old age. (Tobit 8:5-7)
- The woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. (Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31)
- Stern as death is love. (Song of Songs 2:8-10, 14, 16; 8:6-7)
- Like the sun rising in the Lord’s heavens, the beauty of a virtuous wife is the radiance of her home. (Sirach 26:1-4, 13-16)
- I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. (Jeremiah 31:31-32a, 33-34a)
Responsorial Psalm:
Psalm 33—Every Morning in Your Eyes (Daigle)
Psalm 34—Taste and See (Haugen)
Psalm 90—In Every Age (Whitaker)
Psalm 103—The Lord Is Kind and Merciful (Haugen)
Psalm 103—The Lord Is Kind and Merciful (Cotter)
Psalm 104 - Spirit Wind (Soper)
Psalm 128—Blest Are Those Who Love You (Haugen)
Psalm 145—Our God Is Compassion (Cotter)
Second Reading:
- What will separate us from the love of Christ? (Romans 8:31-35, 37-39).
- Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. (Romans 12:1-2, 9-18 [long form] or Romans 12:1-2, 9-13 [short form])
- Welcome one another as Christ welcomed you. (Romans 15:1b-3a, 5-7, 13)
- Your body is a temple of the Spirit. (1 Corinthians 6:13-15, 17-20)
- If I do not have love, I gain nothing. (1 Corinthians 12:31 - 13:8)
- One Body and one Spirit (Ephesians 4:1-6)
- This is a great mystery, but I speak in reference to Christ and the Church. (Ephesians 5:2, 21-33 [long form] or Ephesians 5:2, 25-32 [short form])
- The God of peace will be with you. (Philippians 4:4-9)
- And over all these put on love, that is, the bond of perfection. (Colossians 3:12-17)
- Let marriage be held in honor by all. (Hebrews 13:1-4a, 5-6b)
- Be of one mind, sympathetic, loving toward one another. (1 Peter 3:1-9)
- Love in deed and in truth (1 John 3:18-24)
- God is love (1 John 4:7-12)
- Blessed are those who have been called to the wedding feast of the Lamb. (Revelation 19:1, 5-9)
Gospel Acclamation:
Celtic Alleluia by Christopher Walker (Recommended)
Gospel Reading (which will be chosen with your priest):
- Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven. (Matthew 5:1-12)
- You are the light of the world. (Matthew 5:13-16)
- A wise man built his house on rock. (Matthew 7:21, 24-29 [long form] or Matthew 7:21, 24-25 [short form])
- What God has united, man must not separate. (Matthew 19:3-6)
- This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it. (Matthew 22:35-40)
- They are no longer two, but one flesh. (Mark 10:6-9)
- Jesus did this as the beginning of his signs in Cana in Galilee. (John 2:1-11)
- Remain in my love. (John 15:9-12)
- This is my commandment: love one another. (John 15:12-16)
MARRIAGE RITE: A short instrumental selection is often nice to accompany the movement of the wedding party taking their places in the sanctuary.
Preparation of the Gifts:
Come and Journey with Me (Cotter, WHEN LOVE IS FOUND)
Wherever You Go (Cotter, WHEN LOVE IS FOUND)
If You Love Me (Light and Tate)
The Servant Song (Gillard)
We Will Serve the Lord (Cotter)
Ave Maria (Franz Schubert)
Instrumental? (This is a good place for an instrumental or vocal solo. There are several options that we can discuss at your meeting or via email.)
Eucharistic Acclamations: Mass of Creation (Recommended)
Music for the Communion Procession:
No Greater Love (Joncas)
Taste and See (Moore)
"Emmaus" - In the Breaking of the Bread (Alonso)
We Come to Your Feast (Joncas)
O, Bread of Life (Glover)
The Supper of the Lord (Rosania)
Ubi Caritas (Hurd)
Pange Lingua (Manalo)
Panis Angelicus (Franck)
Mighty River (Jeanne Cotter)
Hornpipe from Water Music (Handel)
The Prince of Denmark’s March (Clarke)
Trumpet Tune (Clarke)
Giga from Handel’s Sonata in F Major (piano and violin/flute)
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (played at a faster speed)
You might also choose a hymn/closing song for your recessional:
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (HYFRYDOL)
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You (HYMN to JOY)
Lead Me, Lord (Becker)
The Summons (Bell)
SAMPLE WORSHIP AID - 3" cut from right side of 8.5 x 11 pages | tape panels into 11 x 17" trifold, 6 pages total
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