READINGS will be sent the hyper-link to Sunday readings with their schedule reminder.
- Please check in with Sandy before Mass. We no longer have a sign-in sheet.
- The second reader will read the intercessions if the deacon isn't present.
- Avoid adding extra words: i.e. "The second reading is from..." That is incorrect. Rather, read what is in the lectionary: "A reading from..."
- Stay in place at the ambo until there is music (after the first and second readings); if you're reading the general intercessions, please wait until AFTER Fr. Billy's prayer before going back to your seat!
Ten Points for Readers:
1. Read the assigned text several times to understand it.
2. Underline key words that you may want to emphasize.
3. Stand up. Read aloud. (Suggestion: Do so in the bathroom facing the mirror with the door closed (for privacy))
4. Always be conscious of your breathing. Make sure you have enough breath to finish the sentence.
5. Diction and articulation are critical. this takes movement of the mouth, tongue, and breath control.
6. Is there ENERGY in your voice? You are speaking the Word of God; that demands energy. – sufficient volume, emphasis on key words. You are providing an oral interpretation of the reading for the folks sitting in the pews. Help them to understand the message.
7. Be conscious of NOT relying on the same pattern of vocal inflection for each sentence. Vary that.
8. Slow down. It may feel unnatural to you (that’s OK: get used to it!) This is not about “Normal conversational pacing; this is reading the Word of God.
9. Don’t be afraid of the “pregnant pause”… Whatever you can do to help us understand the reading better. That’s your mission.
10. Slow down at the end of the reading so we know it’s coming to a close.
1. Read the assigned text several times to understand it.
2. Underline key words that you may want to emphasize.
3. Stand up. Read aloud. (Suggestion: Do so in the bathroom facing the mirror with the door closed (for privacy))
4. Always be conscious of your breathing. Make sure you have enough breath to finish the sentence.
5. Diction and articulation are critical. this takes movement of the mouth, tongue, and breath control.
6. Is there ENERGY in your voice? You are speaking the Word of God; that demands energy. – sufficient volume, emphasis on key words. You are providing an oral interpretation of the reading for the folks sitting in the pews. Help them to understand the message.
7. Be conscious of NOT relying on the same pattern of vocal inflection for each sentence. Vary that.
8. Slow down. It may feel unnatural to you (that’s OK: get used to it!) This is not about “Normal conversational pacing; this is reading the Word of God.
9. Don’t be afraid of the “pregnant pause”… Whatever you can do to help us understand the reading better. That’s your mission.
10. Slow down at the end of the reading so we know it’s coming to a close.

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